

March 2021


You May Not Even Know How to Act This Spring…

The number of new cases is dropping. There are no states in the worst levels of the scale, and only a handful in a high level. Even California is at midlevel, along with most of the rest of the nation. Oregon, North Dakota, Missouri, and Puerto Rico have numbers backing way off. The Marianas Territory is completely free of the virus. And it is only March first. It has only been six weeks since the leadership shifted and the focus on health was prioritized over all else. Amazing.


Many folks already have both their vaccine and their booster. More are being vaccinated every day. Depending on your state's leadership, you can look for your vaccine to be available to you before Summer is over. Maybe even by the 4th of July. Think back a year. Remember how you felt about missing your summer vacation?


The planets have all turned direct and settled down from challenging aspects that affect us so globally. While we still have March 23rd to deal with (remember, this is the third time Mercury squares Mars and when you can expect the "other shoe to fall" after the insurrection at the Capitol.) It will not be pretty. Be prepared for a bit of shock and awe, even if it's bullies making another scene. Mars can be such a thoughtless thug. And Mercury has an attitude and a mouth on him.

Other than that, though, there is no expected mischief this month. There will be a sweet dreamy Piscean start to Spring, and then the Sun moves into the sign of Cardinal Fire: Aries, and life on planet Earth begins singing its song of joyous recreation as Winter recedes and the flowers blossom, gardens fruit, and your heart and soul warm up.

This is a perfect opportunity to plant the seeds of harmony and balance in your life. No matter what goes on around you, as long as you stay in the power point of your calm center, you get to choose how to respond. No matter what. You can't change what happens, but you can change what you do about it. Or don't. You don't have to go to every party or every fight you're invited to. Practice taking things lightly and your smile will be brighter.

While we are not out of the pandemic yet, we really can see the light at the end of the tunnel now (as promised in November). We will keep wearing our masks because we respect ourselves and others. We will stay socially distant, wash our hands, and minimize our exposure. The triple blessing of vaccines may even turn into a quadruple blessing. As we have seen our leadership focus their efforts and work their plan, we have felt our hearts lighten a bit. Hope blossoms as Spring arrives this month. The Sun rises earlier and stays up longer. By the 20th, days and nights will be of equal duration. Daylight Savings Time returns March 14th!

This Summer, you and your family should all be vaccinated. You can see each other again. You can actually start planning now for how to celebrate together all those events you had to celebrate apart last year. Seriously!

If you and yours are all vaccinated, you can safely see one another in person. So will you have a barbecue in the back yard or at the lake? Will you have a sit down dinner in your dining room or at a restaurant? Will you give the birthday/graduation/holiday gifts you had for your loved ones from last year or hold on to them till next year?

Will you bake a cake to celebrate or order one? Will you have a photographer come to the party or collect photos everyone takes and share? Will you travel to see folks or will folks travel to you?


We are so very blessed to see the Light of Day after the dark time. No matter what, keep your countenance bright. Send love to those who survived and remember those who have perished.


Looking for a Reason to Believe?

"Do what you can, with what you have, right where you are."
- Teddy Roosevelt

A normal day begins…

Click here https://fb.watch/3_tmnTmRRJ/ to link to the video. After watching, consider this:
You can do something just as simple, just as magical, and just as powerful. What it will be?


The Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2021 Planning Calendar gives you a place to plan your bright new future with all the support of Heaven and Earth. This tool gives you:

  • Mercury's retrogrades and warning wobbles
  • All planets' retrogrades and motion direct
  • Time Flow Keys to blend the Celestial Animals of Feng Shui with the seasonal energies
  • Druid Tree Moon phases
  • Zodiac signs
  • Solar and lunar eclipses
  • Meteor showers and heavenly guides for watching for wishing stars
  • Observances of the Wheel of the Year (Yule, Beltane, Samhain, etc.)
  • American Holidays and Observances
  • Zany celebrations for fun every day!
  • Ephemeris tables to locate every one of the Heavenly Bodies every day
  • Information on topics for all my workshops and training programs

If you live overseas, the best bet is to buy this calendar from Amazon, but if you live in the States, please buy from me. Amazon's calendars are bound like a paperback novel, but they are set up so you can take them to an office supply store and have the spine cut off and spiral binding added. Spiral Bound Calendars are only available from me directly at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/BooksCalendarsProducts.html

If you live out of the U.S., if you email me and let me know of your purchase of any of my books, I will send you Bonus Goodies to thank you for your business. Email me at [email protected]


Springtime Sale: Buy One Get One FREE!


This month's Feng Shui Workshop explores the myriad gods and goddesses who are encountered in Feng Shui. In order to work with their energies, you must know their stories. We will explore the legends of twenty Chinese gods and goddesses, including:

  • Kwan Yin
  • The Jade Emperor
  • Queen Mother of the West
  • Yan Wang (god of death)
  • Dragon King
  • Nuwa (creator of humanity)
  • Nezha (teen deity)
  • The Eight Immortals
  • Caishen (god of wealth)
  • Chang'e (goddess of the Moon)

We will also get to know the gods of love, happiness, water, wisdom, earth, justice, medicine, war, and the Sun! And who can go on without making the acquaintance of Zao Jun, the kitchen god?

Join me live online via Zoom from wherever you are, Sunday, March 14th, from 1:30-3PM and join us for Asian Gods & Goddesses. Tuition: $30. Register today at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiWorkshops.html

Register for both the Feng Shui Workshop and the Practical Magic Workshop on Reading Palms of March 28th and save 10%. More details below…


The Practical Magic Workshop: Reading Palms will give you the ability to look at the lines in your hand and understand how they correlate to the events in your life. Like the stars, the lines don't compel or force your choices, but they do reveal the influences at work that shape your choices. Each digit and mound correlates to a planet and its influence. Each line tells a story.

You are invited to create snacks from a Bonus Goodie list of over 50 Finger Sandwich Ideas, because, well, finger sandwiches! How perfect is that for a workshop on Palm Reading?!!

Learn to read a person's heart by the shape of their hands. Learn how the shapes of their fingertips and the length of their fingers reveal their nature. Know which elements of their nature are accented by where they wear their rings! All this and more in the workshop you've been waiting for!

Join me Sunday, March 28th, 1:30-3PM Central via Zoom for the Practical Magic Workshop: Reading Palms and expand your magical life to include a greater understanding of As Above, So Below and how it reveals itself in everything around you.


Life is growing more magical!

Attend one workshop for $30 or both for $54. Register at www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiWorkshops.html or for just the Practical Magic workshop at www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html

Can't make these dates? Order the video and PDF(s) and enjoy the workshops at your own convenience.


Add More Magic to Your Every Day Life

My goal this year is to deliver much more magic into your world. Lord knows, after last year, we can sure use some magical days and places. To make your home sparkle with more magic this Spring, join me for a 3-hour workshop on March 13th, the day of the New Ash Moon and the Saturday before the Spring Equinox. We will take an afternoon to create magic and wonder that beckons the goddess of Springtime to let her light shine.

  • Welcome the warmth of the Sun with a daisy bouquet at your door
  • Showcase your favorite crystals by pairing them with candles to shine for the season
  • Create a bee bath to bring in all the pollinators
  • Enchant your home with a tiny threshold
  • Weave the magic of starlight into unexpected places
  • Use sound to clear your home's energy after the long cold winter

You will receive the materials list once you register, but most of this will be created using things you already have. Today's modern witches use what they have on hand, but every now and then they are motivated to summon something fresh.

This workshop is your chance to introduce that fascinating fae charm that changes the every day into the extraordinary! Tuition for new students is $60; returning student tuition is only $50. The fun is presented online via Zoom, the Saturday before the Equinox or Solstice of the season, 1-4PM Central Time. This Spring Workshop premiers on Saturday, March 13th. Register today at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html

Other Books of Magical Wisdom for You…


You can order all of my books at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/BooksCalendarsProducts.html. When you order directly from me, you receive Bonus Goodies to thank you for your interest. I also then have a record of you, my customers, your purchases, and your contact information. If you live in the United States, please purchase direct from my website. If you live overseas, however, postal rates make direct purchases from Amazon your best bet. However, if you will email me at [email protected] and tell me of your purchase, I will send you Bonus Goodies too!


Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:

Secrets Revealed

Jamming a hearth full of firewood chokes the chi and makes having a fire impossible until the wood is removed. The wood is decaying, critters are taking up residence, all immediately next to the bed. Ew. Whose bad idea was this?

Not only is that hearth going to stay cold, that is the Fame gua of the room. The area of Fire energy of the Red Phoenix. By the relative cleanliness of the bricks, it has been a long time since a fire roared here. The herringbone weave of the floor is a flame-stitch pattern, regardless of whether that floor is brick or wood. Smoldering fire simmers beneath the quieting carpets.

In the Wealth gua, the energy gua for the eldest daughter, where the True Love Story poster for Old-Fashioned Girl. Mills & Boon have been publishing romantic fiction for over 100 years in the United Kingdom. Read the copy on the poster itself and see what this woman’s greatest treasure is. While this poster sold recently for almost a thousand dollars, this woman has no True Love in her bedroom, though the pair of light fixtures indicate there is a couple here, sleeping beneath the bare canopy frame. (Illusions have been removed.)

The television at the foot of the bed is the source of each evening’s entertainment. The seating area for three in the Benefactor gua hosts company for any couple in the energy area of the male head of household. Though the velvet is money green, the chair seats, walls, and armoire are silver. Metal cuts Wood, but apparently the wood is already cut and rotting. The gentleman in question has nothing substantial to offer his lady. The rotting wood in the hearth is not just a metaphor.


Subscribe to Daily Mini-Lessons of Feng Shui Fun!

Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. Great Gift Idea! Subscribe for only $15/month at www.tomorrowskey.com/FengShuiFunOnTheRun.html.


Threshold Magic (Practical Magic Excerpt)

Life’s first threshold is experienced during birth. You leave a place which was safe, warm and delicious, and move - via water - towards bright light, welcoming arms, cool air, and a much larger world. This transition brings incredible changes with it, the first of many magical threshold experiences to come.

A threshold is a line of demarcation which indicates the exact point of entry across a portal. When a groom carries a bride over a threshold, she is forever changed to his wife, and no longer lives in her previous identity. With her feet off the ground, the groom also prevents her family’s demons from entering with her.

Thresholds are simultaneously the areas of greatest magical potential and extreme vulnerability. We have known that spirits, demons, and entities hover at thresholds since ancient days. Because of this, we mark our territory in many ways, protecting with art, symbols, and bodily fluids. Both living and non-living guards are stationed at thresholds to protect. In ancient Rome, house spirits were known to dwell in courtyards. Not only an old idea, today in Eastern Europe, spirits of ancestors are still believed to inhabit dark spaces beneath the front porch. As a child, you may have even been aware of one living in your closet!

Because people as well as energy enter through thresholds, the state of your windows, porches, and doors affect all who live there with their welcome or lack of welcome. The front door threshold is a primary point of power to protect and enhance your life. This area should be cleaned often (daily is best) and energetically refreshed every six weeks as seasons shift. There should be some symbol or sign which identifies your home’s name or number. This sign will always be a barometer for the energy within the place, so keep it looking spiffy. There should be a mat which people can use to wipe off the rest of the world as they respect stepping into yours. There should be a pair of guardians at your door, whether animals, plants, or stones. Your guardians should be the right size for the entrance, and they should also be well tended. Seasonal color should grace your entrance to indicate that life is bountiful where you live. Your threshold should be well lit, easily seen as well as approached, and at least eight feet from the street (further than a very tall human being’s reach). All hardware at your threshold should be in excellent working order. Any lack of support shown at your door will be echoed throughout the space as well as in your life. A wreath which you have blessed with your magic and hung on your door is one of the most enduring forms of magical protection for home and well-being.

Windows are truly the eyes of a place. They provide light and beauty, but can also let in negativity. Curtains are believed to help prevent the dreaded evil eye from passing through windows. Shiny glass balls (witch balls) have been hung in windows to ward off both evil spirits and bad will. You can hang a glass ornament in your window to repel negativity. The best types have swirl patterns which are believed to render straight line energy harmless. Stained glass pieces and sun-catchers can also be used to protect your windows.

Porches should echo the shifts of the seasons as they provide a magical sanctuary from the elements for all who seek entrance into your space, including you. With each new season, sprinkle salt across your threshold to capture and release negative energy. Sweep away from the door toward the street. If you don’t have a garden, pot some bright flowers chosen for their meaning and magical powers. Add a Green Man, gnome, or fairy to honor the elementals in your space and ask for their protection. A place to sit with a guest is one of the greatest indicators that love will abide behind the doors of your place.

If you are home alone and feeling a bit unsettled, sprinkle salt along the inside of your threshold, then lean your broom diagonally across the inside of your door frame. No one will come in silently.

Mirrors are a threshold for energy. Be aware of what your mirrors reflect and double. If you have a large mirror reflecting the friends and feasts at your dining table, you also have a doubled image of any drama or intrigue that may play out at your table. If you do any kind of work at that table, including laundry, the mirroring effect will double your work load. If your mirrors have lost any of their silvering, then your doubled magic is beginning to wane. Replace chipped or scratched mirrors in short order. Avoid tiled or pieced together mirrors at all costs as they splinter your images and your energy. Whenever you break a mirror, get it OUT of your space within the hour.



For the rest of this lesson about Threshold Magic, order the 2014 workshop audio and materials at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html.


Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?

Here are some simple suggestions for recharging your strength, hope and light storage…

  1. Shower. Not a bath, a shower. Use water as hot or cold as you like. You don’t even need to wash. Just get in under the water and let it run over you for a while. Sit on the floor if you gotta.
  2. Moisturize everything. Use whatever lotion you like. Unscented? Dollar store lotion? Fancy 48 hour lotion that makes you smell like a field of wildflowers? Use whatever you want, and use it all over your entire dermis.
  3. Put on clean, comfortable clothes. Put on your favorite underwear. Cute black lacy panties? Those ridiculous boxers you bought last Christmas with candy cane hearts on the butt? Put them on.
  4. Drink cold water. Use ice. If you want, add some mint or lemon for an extra boost. I always use lemon. Vitamin C only lasts a day.
  5. Clean something. Doesn’t have to be anything big. Start by making your bed regardless of the time of day. It gives you a sense of purpose and motivation. Organize one drawer of a desk. Wash five dirty dishes. Do a load of laundry. Scrub the bathroom sink.
  6. Blast music. Listen to something upbeat and dancey and loud, something that’s got lots of energy. Sing to it, dance to it, even if you suck at both. Get your body moving to the music.
  7. Make food. Don’t just grab a granola bar to munch. Take the time and make food. Even if it’s ramen. Add something special to it, like a soft boiled egg or some veggies. Prepare food, it tastes way better, and you’ll feel like you accomplished something.
  8. Make something. Bake a frozen pizza. Write a short story or a poem, draw a picture, color a picture, fold origami, crochet or knit, sculpt something out of clay, anything artistic. Even if you don’t think you’re good at it. Create. Even if all you do is whistle a tune or beat on pots with spoons.
  9. Go outside. Take a walk. Sit in the grass. Look at the clouds. Smell flowers. Put your hands in the dirt and feel the soil against your skin.
  10. Call someone. Call a loved one, a friend, a family member, call a chat service if you have no one else to call. Talk to a stranger on the street. Have a conversation and listen to someone’s voice. If you can’t bring yourself to call, text or email or whatever, just have some social interaction with another person. Even if you don’t say much, listen to them. It helps.
  11. Cuddle your pets if you have them/can cuddle them. Take pictures of them. Talk to them. Tell them how you feel, about your favorite movie, a new game coming out, anything. May seem small or silly to some, but this list keeps people alive.
  12. REMEMBER: *** At your absolute best you won’t be good enough for the wrong people. But at your worst, you’ll still be everything to the right ones. Know that. Keep keeping on. ***
  13. In case nobody has told you today I love you and you are worth your weight and then some in gold, so be kind to yourself and most of all keep pushing on!!!!
  14. Find someone worse off than you are to help - even if it is a random act of kindness. Find something to be grateful for! Gratitude seeds joy.
  15. Ask for help! Go to your local hospital. Most have a behavioral health center which is open 24/7. They are there to help.

Vets for Warriors Crisis Line: 800-273-8255 ext: 1

** I copied and pasted most of this. You are invited to do the same**


Print out the above graphic. Read it OUT LOUD to yourself every day. It worked for me. It will work for you too.



Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429